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Freak Nature workshops provide an exciting and supportive environment for aspiring puppeteers of all ages!

Kicking off with a "guerrilla" immersive performance, workshops can include a wide range of activities -- from designing, to building, to improvisation, to scripting, to puppeteering.

In the spirit of Freak Nature's own collective structure, our workshops emphasize collaboration, experimentation, and the idea of collective creativity.


"Unique and hilarious, pleasantly preposterous and positive! I'm overjoyed that my entire school community got to enjoy this together.
This creative group of artists brought so much joy, creativity, ingenuity, spontaneity, go-with-the-flow, high-fivin', and good vibin' to my school.
The kids sounded like The Beatles were in town! I got so much great feedback from everyone."
- Jamia Weir, Art Teacher, Larchmont Charter Elementary School - Fairfax

"Such a memorable, beautiful experience for us all. Thank you for the amazing workshop days!"
- Holly Johnson, Middle School Teacher, Ventura Charter Elementary School

"A wonderful, inspirational, and very hands-on day for our theater students."
- Nancy Fracchiolla, VAPA Teacher, Pacific Palisades High School

"As an early childhood educator, I desperately wish I could do what you guys are developing! My kids had the best day ever!"
- Molly Gomez, Kindergarten Educator, Marengo Elementary School

"Freak Nature's workshop was a dream! Thank you so much for today."
- Emily Koss, Rose Scharlin Co-op Preschool

"It was so lovely, seamless, and inspiring working with all the Freaks and collaborating on this event. A huge success all around, and we are receiving a ton of positive feedback. A truly special evening that engaged folks of all ages!"
Mel Barnes, Skirball Cultural Center

"My daughter Riley, in first grade, really liked your show at Head-Royce school. When I mentioned to her that you had an email address she wanted me to send you a note just saying that you were the best puppet company in the world. She also specifically said "I really like how three people got ate-n in their performance".
Parent, Head-Royce School

"Thank you SO MUCH! The kids had a great time! Super engaging, great workshop!"
Kelsey McNeilly, Advanced Theater Teacher at San Gabriel High School

"Just wanted to thank you all one more time for an awesome day at Head-Royce last Friday! Kids are still raving about it today. I'm sure we'll be making lots more puppets now."
Marissa Kunz, Art Teacher, Head-Royce School

Contact us to chat about our workshop offerings!

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